Director of Youth, Young Adult and Campus Ministry

Archdiocese of Oklahoma City

Oklahoma City, OK

Job ID#:
March 25, 2025
May 24, 2025
Youth Ministry
Full-Time Employee
0-2 Years
Undergraduate Degree
Base Pay:
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Job Description

The Archdiocese of Oklahoma City is seeking a committed and passionate leader to direct our Office of Youth, Young Adult and Campus Ministry, which prepares and supports local parish, school, and campus leaders to be missionary disciples.

Duties and Responsibilities:
• Provide overall direction and vision for program efforts, resources, training and formation for all phases of evangelization and discipleship of young people in the archdiocese, both teenagers and young adults.
• Involve direct leadership of all efforts for junior high and high school teens, and supervisory leadership for young adult and campus ministry efforts, and for the summer youth camp and other camp programs.
• Serve as a resource for parish leaders, assisting them in the active ministry of building up and fostering vibrant ministry to young people.
• Provide leadership and resources to parish youth ministers.
• Collaborate with the Curia, priests, parish leaders and community organizations collaboratively in strategic efforts to evangelize and make life-long disciples of the young, an age demographic that is increasingly difficult to reach, engage, and retain.

• Willingness and ability to effectively make known the Catholic Church's teachings through the varied ministry offerings of this Office
• Willingness and ability to act as an outstanding personal witness to the Catholic faith and religion by living both one's professional and personal life in accordance with the doctrines and moral teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, as embodied in the various documents of the Roman Catholic Church, including, without limitation, the Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church
• Have a good understanding of discipleship and evangelization and be able to assist parishes in deepening their understanding through consultation, formation and training.
• Minimum of a bachelor's degree in theology, Religious Education, Pastoral Ministry or some related field.
• At least five years of experience in youth ministry, and specifically in discipleship/mentorship; Diocesan-level experience preferred.
• Basic computer knowledge; familiar with MS office tools and internet.

Skills and abilities
• Must be able to work independently and as a team member.
• Must possess good problem-solving skills.
• Must have the ability to effectively communicate.
• Must be a self-starter, service oriented, have the ability to manage multiple tasks, have the ability to work with people of various ages, backgrounds and cultures.
• Must be able to manage time well.

If interested in this position, please visit the Jobs Box at to submit your resume and cover letter.

About the Employer

The original Diocese of Oklahoma was erected in 1905, became the Diocese of Oklahoma City and Tulsa in 1930, and was erected into the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City in 1972. The Archdiocese is comprised of more than 120,000 Catholics in central and western Oklahoma and covers 46 counties and 42,470 square miles.
Our sacred purpose, as the people of the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City, is to joyfully witness to our Catholic faith in central and western Oklahoma through the teaching, sanctifying and governing ministry of Christ and His Church so that the Body of Christ is made present, the universal call to holiness proclaimed and all people are welcomed into the promise of eternal life.