About Us

Created in God's image, we were given the mandate to transform the earth. By their work people share in God's creating activity... Awareness that our work is a sharing in God's work ought to permeate even the most ordinary daily activities. — Laborem Exercens (On Human Work)

After spending a year prayerfully discerning my vocation with a religious community, I was determined, one way or another, to work full-time for the Church. Imagine my disappointment when I left religious life and discovered that there was no place on the internet to find Catholic jobs. That's when I launched this site. Over twenty years later, CatholicJobs.com is the most popular website dedicated to listing positions with religious organizations.

If you are looking for candidates that want to join the Church and transform the world, I invite you to try CatholicJobs.com today. I'm confident that we can help you, and you have nothing to lose.

May God bless your hiring efforts.


Tim Harrison

Tim Harrison
A Division of Sacred Heart Media LLC