Foreign Missionary

Family Missions Company


Job ID#:
September 23, 2024
November 22, 2024
Pastoral Ministry
Full-Time Employee
0-2 Years
High School
Base Pay:
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Job Description

Full-Time Foreign Missionary Job Description

For nearly 2,000 years, the Catholic Church has been sending missionaries to the nations as part of the Great Commission (Matt. 28:19-20), and today, that mission is still ongoing. Though much good has been done in that time, people all over the world continue to live and die without ever knowing the love of Jesus. Family Missions Company ("FMC") was founded in 1997 to address this injustice. We are lay, Catholic foreign missionaries - both families and singles - committed to sharing the Gospel, serving the poor, and making disciples wherever the Holy Spirit leads us.

In response to the call of Jesus, we do as He commanded: to be His witnesses to the end of the earth (Acts 1:8). Though we are a lay-run apostolate, we collaborate with the Catholic Church in the locations we work around the world, and we live in and among the poor we are sent to love and serve. It is only through making real friends with the poor that their lives are transformed, hope is restored, and the Kingdom of God grows.

Saying "yes!" to the Lord's invitation to missionary life is an extraordinary opportunity to not only draw close to Jesus through the poor but also to take the Gospel to new places. The spread of the faith from place-to-place has always required men and women to endure difficulty, and our times are no different. FMC missionaries living on the mission field often enter into a long process of inculturation, language acquisition, making new friends, gaining the trust of locals, establishing loving relationships, and being a light to them through their words and way of life. We hope you'll join us!


All FMC missionaries always strive for personal holiness and seek to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ: to preach the Gospel, serve the poor, and make disciples of those we encounter.


-Complete Intake, FMC's annual new missionary formation, which runs from September to March at Big Woods Mission, just south of Abbeville, LA.
-Seek personal holiness each day by encountering God in prayer, scripture, community, service, and the sacraments.
-Commit to a minimum of 30 minutes of personal prayer each day. Prayer is indispensable to a Christian life well lived.
-Develop a missionary heart by giving thanks in all things (1 Thess. 5:18), respecting the new cultures into which you are sent, eating what is set before you, going the extra mile, being discipled by leadership, and putting your hands to the plow without looking back. (Luke 9:62)
-All missionaries should maintain a commitment to ongoing spiritual formation and study. We recommend all missionaries read the Acts of the Apostles, Mission of the Redeemer by Pope St. John Paul II, as well as "Go! You are Sent!" and "Our Family's Book of Acts," both written by FMC's co-founder, Genie Summers.
-Commit to learning the language of the people you serve.
-Support FMC's overall mission by staffing and/or hosting week-long mission trips to your mission post.
-Build a mission support team and maintain relationships with each supporter by communicating a minimum of twice per year, including phone calls, thank you notes, newsletters, personal visits, etc.


The ideal missionary candidate is passionate about sharing the Gospel, serving the poor, and making disciples all around the world. The ideal candidate will also be prayerful, grateful, resourceful, motivated, capable of working independently but also a great teammate, and possess the additional qualities:

-Practicing Roman Catholic in good standing with the Church.
-Possesses the Core Values of FMC and a desire to grow in them (being submitted to Jesus, docile to the Holy Spirit, having expectant faith, being a joyful servant, being a prophetic witness, loving others, being humble, and practicing praise & thanksgiving).
-Eagerness to travel.


As compensation for all services provided, the missionary shall be paid a monthly stipend from the pool of funds raised from the missionary's support team.

Other compensation may include:
-A transformed heart and life, fully oriented to the only thing that matters: the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the eternal life He promises.
-Being thought of as strange, perhaps insane, by friends and family.
-Being cherished by the people you serve, who may slay the fatted calf for you.
-Being rejected, perhaps even harshly by some, for being an ambassador of Jesus.
-Increased freedom from material comforts that impede our relationship with Jesus and make it harder to "Go!" when called.
-Being counted among the sheep, not the goats, at the end of time. (Matt. 25:31-46)
-Hearing "Well done, good and faithful servant!" at one's final judgment. (Matt. 25:23)

About the Employer

We are lay Catholic disciples of Jesus Christ, preaching the Gospel, serving the poor, and making disciples of all nations. Our mission is The Great Commission. We do this by training, sending, and supporting Catholic lay missionaries all over the globe.